Somalia: President Drops Term Extension

Somalian President Mohamed Abdullahi has declined another term that would see his rule extended by two more years, following recent international criticism and domestic clashes.
The president’s term expired in February, but elections did not go ahead as expected – resulting in the country’s lower house of Parliament passing a vote several weeks ago to increase the president’s term by another 24 months.
The move was rejected by the Senate – along with two key states, as well as Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble – leading to a political crisis and increased domestic tensions in the troubled east African nation.
Local news publications reported that the country saw fierce clashes between rival security factions in the capital, Mogadishu, largely along the lines of those in favour for, and those against, the term extension.
In a televised address on Wednesday morning, 28 April, Abdullahi announced that elections would be held “without further delay”, which was warmly welcomed.
No date has been set yet for the presidential elections.
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